Rajalakshmi Gopalakrishnan

Rajalakshmi Gopalakrishnan
ESG Analyst at The Dragonfly Initiative, UK

Hello, everyone! I’m Rajalakshmi Gopalakrishnan, a 2015 alumna of SNDT University. I am an ESG analyst at The Dragonfly Initiative in the UK and I’m thrilled to share this special message with you today.

As a proud ex-student, it brings me immense joy to hear about SNDT University’s ambitious plans to develop a new campus in Chandrapur. What excites me even more is the university’s commitment to abiding by sustainable design guidelines in this new venture.

When I first joined SNDT, I had a clear dream—to become an IT engineer. But as I navigated through my academic journey, SNDT gave me the opportunity to explore so much more. I had the privilege of being a part of several remarkable initiatives, like the Student Parliament of Maharashtra, the General Electric Foundation workshop, and leading the NSS team. These experiences ignited a deep interest in using technology to combat climate change—a passion I continue to pursue to this day.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to my amazing teachers, who believed in me and helped me develop as an individual. They provided me with these opportunities and have continued to support me even after I graduated, connecting me with networks and resources in the field of climate change technology. Their unwavering belief in me has been a driving force in my career, and for that, I am deeply thankful.

To all the current students of SNDT, I have one piece of advice—make the most of your time here. Our University truly leaves no stone unturned in empowering its students, offering countless opportunities to grow, explore, and find your passion. Grab those opportunities, because they can shape your future in ways you might not even imagine right now.

I wish our University all the very best for their development plans in Chandrapur. I’m confident that this new campus will set an example of innovation and sustainability, continuing the university’s legacy of excellence.

Special thanks to Shitole sir for giving me this opportunity and keeping me posted about all the amazing initiatives with regards to climate change in our university which fills me with immense happiness.

With that I would like to wish our university the best again and Thank you everyone.